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Welcome to the events in the Sculpture Garden
The result of ten years of 'The Enchanted Garden'
Artworks can be rented or bought. Payment in instalments is possible. Money back and repurchase is possible under conditions.

Rue du Tilleul 22, 1370 Jodoigne, Belgium

Rue du Tilleul 22, 1370 Jodoigne, Belgium

    Phone +32 (0) 493 628 540

Phone: +32 (0) 493 628 540


Email: artsanctuary@live.com;info@ignace-clarysse.com

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Tone Aanderaa - Forvandling (Transformation)(Painting:Oil;Print)

Name Tone Aanderaa
Artwork title Forvandling (Transformation)(Painting:Oil;Print)
Catalogue Price ---
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Invited by
Par imprimé

Transformation (N: Forvandling)

Carefully, she lifted the slumbering words
- Stroked across them ever so tenderly
And slowly the words unfolded -

And out of every word flew a thought, a longing, a hope, a belief,
a glimpse
Upwards towards the Heavens ... upward towards Life

Leaving behind all the hollow words

Tone Aanderaa © 2023-04-21

Tags C - Country: Belgium, Norway
E1 - Subject matter: Story
Expression / Emotion: Happiness
Type of artwork: Painter
Z - Other: New in 2023

Tone Aanderaa - Forvandling (Transformation)(Painting:Oil;Print)

