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The result of ten years of 'The Enchanted Garden'
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Rue du Tilleul 22, 1370 Jodoigne, Belgium

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Stanwood Wind Sculptures - Triple spinner falling foliage (Copper, Bras)

Name Stanwood Wind Sculptures
Artwork title Triple spinner falling foliage (Copper, Bras)
Catalogue Price 545 EUR
Other information
Invited by
Installation simple (Installation par Art Sanctuary, moins de 50km d'Art Sanctuary: 95,00EUR, TVA inclus)
Material and techniques Copper, bras, stainless steel ball bearings, 3 horizontal levels spinning in opposite directions
Installation Installation:
Simple installation using the description inside the package or on our website:
Installation manual (English)
Installation video other sculptures (English)
Translation of the texts in other languages: English Français Nederlands
Art Sanctuary can install it at your home within 50km of Art Sanctuary for a 100,00EUR VAT included.

Description Kinetic copper wind sculpture:
The leaves are positioned so the three spinners will spin in opposite directions once caught in the wind.
The entire wind sculpture including the pole and its fixture is made of pure copper with brass hardware. The stainless steel ball bearings within the brass hardware allow the three tentacle-mounted wheels move independently and opposite from each other. The pole is made of heavy gauge copper and secured into the ground by an all copper 4-point anchoring system. With its heavy duty construction, this kinetic sculpture can withstand strong winds up to 70 mph.
The copper leaves are not coated and will age naturally. If you want to preserve its original copper shine, you may spray a layer of clear coat on it. We have had great success with clear coats made by Rust-Oleum and Permalac (Peacock Labs).
The craftsmanship on this kinetic sculpture is impeccable. The wheels are finely balanced and maintenance free. The sculpture is entirely weather proof and made to last for decades.

About this item:
  • Pure Copper and Brass Heavy Duty Construction
  • Moves with a slight breeze
  • The leaf-mounted wheels are 100, 60, and nearly 40 cm in diameter
  • About 210 cm tall
  • Extremely detailed and impeccable Craftsmanship

Tags C - Country: USA
D1 - Material: Copper, Metal
Expression / Emotion: Poetic
Style: Big (>1.5m), Decorative
Type of artwork: Sculpture
Z - Other: Returning in 2023

Stanwood Wind Sculptures - Triple spinner falling foliage (Copper, Bras)

