Open: wed., fri., sat., sun. between 13:00 and 20:00 - Dogs our friends allowed FrançaisNederlandsEnglish
Elya Yalonetski
Germany -
Née en Ukraine, elle a suivi une formation artistique en Russie et en Israël et vit aujourd'hui en Allemagne. Peut-on imaginer plus de diversité et d'originalité ? Il en va de même pour ses œuvres en céramique, qui sont toujours joyeuses et paisibles.
From: -
Elya Yalonetski:
She's an award-winning Berlin-based artist who has been successfully working with ceramics for 20 years, combining her original traditional training from the Russian school of ceramics with Baroque and Renaissance elements in her sculptures and figurines. She has changed several countries of residence, but has always followed her own recognizable style.
Caractéristiques des oeuvres de cet artiste : Karakteristieken van de kunstwerken van deze kunstenaar: Characteristics of this artist's works:
C - Country: Germany D1 - Material: Ceramic E1 - Subject matter: Myth, People, Story E2 - People: Figure, Person Expression / Emotion: Emotion, Happiness, Poetic Style: Decorative, Figurative, Small (<0.5m) Type of artwork: Sculpture Z - Other: Period 1 (09/06-02/07/2023), Period 2 (07/07-06/08/2023), Period 3 (11/08-10/09/2023), Period 4 (15/09-15/10/2023), Returning in 2023