Grotere glassculpturen geïnspireerd op de natuur, de plantenwereld die zowel kleine tuinen als publieke ruimten veraangenamen en verlichten
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B. Jane Cowie :
She's from South-Australia, and her career in design of and making glass installations has taken her on journeys around the world.
Most recently she has been contributing to the built environment of Singapore for over 10 years, installing art glass in numerous open air public situations.
Process :
B. Jane Cowie is designing, making and installing artworks and large-scale glass installations which are purpose built for private and commercial spaces
It means she now had to work with larger teams of project managers, makers and installers situated in Singapore. Exhibitions :
More recently B. Jane Cowie has returned to a more personal exhibition practice through a series of Research Methodology Workshops and exhibitions in Mittagong, Perth and Canberra – and now ‘The Enchanted Garden’, the first in Belgium and Europe.