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Welcome to the International Art Exhibition
Sculptures, poetry, music, ...
Second period until Sunday, 13 October 2024, also open on thursday 15 august 2024

Rue du Tilleul 22, 1370 Jodoigne, Belgium

Rue du Tilleul 22, 1370 Jodoigne, Belgium

    Phone +32 (0) 493 628 540

Phone: +32 (0) 493 628 540


Email: artsanctuary@live.com;info@ignace-clarysse.com

Open: wed., thu., fri., sat., sun. between 13:00 and 19:00 - Dogs our friends allowed
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Caroline Moxhon - Bain de soleil (Bronze)

Caroline Moxhon - Bain de soleil (Bronze)

Name Caroline Moxhon
Artwork title Bain de soleil (Bronze)
Catalogue Price

Other information Ed. 2 de 8; H75 cm


A woman
gracefully rewritten in bronze
a permanent manuscript
with a new horizon
triggered between rain and wind
cherished in sunshine
she does not tire of that pose.

With ice and snow
her buttocks feel cold
she sees the leaves fall
rise to lush greenery
she is beautiful
talk silently to butterflies
winks at a meowing cat.

Her presence drives him crazy
He misses her so much
she was once his hug.

Herman Cogghe © 2024-03-16 (PoemId: 68)


Caroline Moxhon - Bain de soleil (Bronze)



Caroline Moxhon - Bain de soleil (Bronze)