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Agnes Avermaete - Klaproos klein (Ceramic)

Agnes Avermaete - Klaproos klein (Ceramic)

Name Agnes Avermaete
Artwork title Klaproos klein (Ceramic)
Catalogue Price

Other information Prix par trois pièces; Mettez à l'inérieur en hiver

The Poppy

Let us pause in silent reverie,
and honour the poppy, in solemn decree.
A tribute to lives lost, in the crimson hue,
a reminder of sacrifices, both old and new.

Dear reader, may your poppies bloom bright,
in shades of blue, pink, yellow and white.
For in diversity, beauty thrives,
and hope, in every petal, survives.

Jennifer Vrielinck © 2024-03-11 (PoemId: 95)


Agnes Avermaete - Klaproos klein (Ceramic)



Agnes Avermaete - Klaproos klein (Ceramic)