- 2024 - en
Welcome to the International Art Exhibition
Sculptures, poetry, music, ...
Second period until Sunday, 13 October 2024, also open on thursday 15 august 2024

Rue du Tilleul 22, 1370 Jodoigne, Belgium

Rue du Tilleul 22, 1370 Jodoigne, Belgium

    Phone +32 (0) 493 628 540

Phone: +32 (0) 493 628 540


Email: artsanctuary@live.com;info@ignace-clarysse.com

Open: wed., thu., fri., sat., sun. between 13:00 and 19:00 - Dogs our friends allowed
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Nanesa 'My dad lives in the clouds'


I can touch the sky (Print from Oilpainting)

My dad lives in the clouds

nanesa_my dad lives in the clouds My dad lives in the clouds
My dad defines the weather
When my dad is sad
The clouds cry over and over again
When my dad is happy
The sun shines down on us
When my dad misses me
He colours the sky grey without a word
When my dad blows a kiss
The wind goes wild
When my dad wants to show his love
He colours the sky pink, like my teddy bear

My dad lives in the clouds
even more in my heart
For my dad gives me warmth
and a lot of life energy
(Literal translation)

Tone Aanderaa

Nanesa © 2024-03-13 (PoemId: 167)

nanesa_my dad lives in the clouds


Nanesa 'My dad lives in the clouds'


Poet information

Artwork information

Belgium -

Name Tone Aanderaa
Artwork title I can touch the sky (Print from Oilpainting)
Catalogue Price NotInExpo

Other information Par imprimé

My dad lives in the clouds

My dad lives in the clouds
My dad defines the weather
When my dad is sad
The clouds cry over and over again
When my dad is happy
The sun shines down on us
When my dad misses me
He colours the sky grey without a word
When my dad blows a kiss
The wind goes wild
When my dad wants to show his love
He colours the sky pink, like my teddy bear

My dad lives in the clouds
even more in my heart
For my dad gives me warmth
and a lot of life energy
(Literal translation)

Nanesa © 2024-03-13 (PoemId: 167)



Poème : Nanesa 'My dad lives in the clouds'



Oeuvre: Tone Aanderaa 'I can touch the sky (Print from Oilpainting)'


© Les droits d'auteur restent la propriété pleine et entière de l'auteur du poème
('Livre XI - Code de droit économique (textes coordonnés - Justel)').

© De volledige auteursrechten blijven volledig eigendom van de auteur van het gedicht
(volgens titel 5 van boek XI van het wetboek economisch recht).

© Full copyright remains the full property of the author of the poem.

