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Kavita Vlieghe 'Catlike'


Le chat (Bronze)


kavita vlieghe_catlike Catlike are the claws
that dig deep into her
Like a knife cutting her
until blood pours out
Slowly her life comes
to an end.
In her dream she died
whilst still being alive.
Being carried from heaven
back to earth.
In the moment all
life seemed to end.
What a gift!

Sylvie Gaudissart

Kavita Vlieghe © 2024-05-10 (PoemId: 268)

kavita vlieghe_catlike


Kavita Vlieghe 'Catlike'


Poet information

Artwork information


Name Sylvie Gaudissart
Artwork title Le chat (Bronze)
Catalogue Price

Other information Ed. 2 de 8; L24 x P20 x H20 cm


Catlike are the claws
that dig deep into her
Like a knife cutting her
until blood pours out
Slowly her life comes
to an end.
In her dream she died
whilst still being alive.
Being carried from heaven
back to earth.
In the moment all
life seemed to end.
What a gift!

Kavita Vlieghe © 2024-05-10 (PoemId: 268)



Poème : Kavita Vlieghe 'Catlike'



Oeuvre: Sylvie Gaudissart 'Le chat (Bronze)'


© Les droits d'auteur restent la propriété pleine et entière de l'auteur du poème
('Livre XI - Code de droit économique (textes coordonnés - Justel)').

© De volledige auteursrechten blijven volledig eigendom van de auteur van het gedicht
(volgens titel 5 van boek XI van het wetboek economisch recht).

© Full copyright remains the full property of the author of the poem.

